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Solved Updated SIP Trunk automatically activated?

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Guy Zuercher

Bronze Partner
Basic Certified
Dec 27, 2017
Reaction score
Hello Forum,

i can't find information about updating SIP Trunk profiles. When installing the updates through 3CX Admin, will the already existing SIP Trunks be updated too or does this only affect new SIP Trunks?

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

kind regards

Hi Guy,

SIP Trunk updates you may download do not affect any current SIP Trunks you may have on your system, even if the SIP Trunk update is for a provider you have.

We did it this way as some users have customized their provider settings for whatever reason, so we didn't want to change things.
What you can do however is (what I do at least):
  1. download the SIP Trunk update.
  2. Open the Management Console 2 times, split screen, one left one right.
  3. On the Left open your existing, working SIP Trunk
  4. On the right create a new Provider that will use the new template (do not press the OK to create it though)
  5. Go through each tab of the already existing and the new one, comparing the differences.
  6. Once you are done, for your existing Provider press OK, and for the new one press Cancel so that it is not created.

hope that helps.
Thank you very much, Nick. I suspected it was going to come down to that.

BTW: How can i mark this thread as solved?
you are most welcome!

No worries, I'll do it for you :)
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