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Report over specific DID

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Premier Customer
Aug 24, 2016
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Is there a way, getting or creating reports/stats about specific incomming DIDs with 3CX-"onboard" reports (not expensive 3rd party tools)?

I see the Trunk/DID report but this triggers all DIDs (and more) - but this is too much. I need only specific DIDs.

We have a small callcenter that uses a lot of incomming DIDs that goes all to the same call queue. I now try to get reports/stats about the called incomming DIDs for billing purposes. We have a v15.5 pro edition.

Thanks and regards,

What did you want the report to show? I imagine your provider can provide a report as well depending on what you are looking for. I know we can.
Hi cobaltit.

What I need are reports on a monthly base, showing incomming calls per hour (total count, 0-23h) for each DID I specified, that gets answered by an agent.

My problem is that I can not query DIDs directly, only extensions. When query for DIDs, I get empty reports.

The provider cant help because he don't know, if the call gets answered by an agent or get dropped within the call queue because the caller quits.

Regards, Christian
Thank you for your search :)

I would take this report, if I could query incomming DIDs. So I currently try to find a solution by query the database directly. This is not the easy, nor the best way but it could work.

Curiously, in the call history, I see the names of the DIDs - but I cannot query them (nor the DID-Numbers) in the reports :-(


Hello @cwoller

If non of the existing reports suits your needs you could always use the CDR files generated by the system and filter them according to your needs. You can enable CDR from Settings / CDR and configure it to log the information you require.
Hi YiannisH_3CX.

Thank you for your reply. Correct me, if I am wrong but then I have to analyse (over the time) thousands of thousands of textfiles. Than it is easier for me to query the database directly.

I think that I am on a good way right now: currently, I finished building the sql query and now writing a small script that will query the database once a month and send me the output as html.

I know this is the wrong place (->ideas forum) saying this but advanced reporting features would be a big dream - especially for call centers and resellers.

Regards, Christian
Thank you for your reply. Correct me, if I am wrong but then I have to analyse (over the time) thousands of thousands of textfiles. Than it is easier for me to query the database directly.
The CDR can output the entries in a single file which will make it easier to process or you can use the CDR socket to output the files into a report system.
As you may already be aware accessing the database directly is not supported so if you face any issues related to this 3CX will not be able to assist you.
I know and understand that its not supported but it is the quickest way. A SQL count() is way much quicker than loading a growing file and analyzing it.

I always emphasize, when the topic of accessing the PostgreSQL database directly comes up, that it's really frowned upon by 3CX support. You have to be extraordinarily careful to make a read-only connection to the tables, otherwise, you can inadvertently lock the tables and then bad things happen and your PBX will be deemed "unsupported" by 3CX.

For those who know that we provide an Exporter tool, that may sound pretty self-serving, so let me suggest this. There is a "supported" approach, which is to parse the text files and put this information into a database, then query the database. That's what I would strongly suggest rather than accessing the database directly.

In my view, it's worth the small effort to do things the supported way whenever possible. The CDR files have what you need. Use them rather than putting your PBX at risk of being flagged as "unsupported".
Hi voiptoys.

I appreciate your thoughs on this and I understand your warning. It sounds like a small effort to you but for me, parsing a growing file (or thousands of small ones) instead of querying a table doubles the amount of code, logic and storage and slow down my custom reports.

I will think about this again but I currently don't feel comfortable with the text files. If they only could write the output to a (different?) table/database/dbms instead of files. Or let me custom my reports directly through 3CX. And while saying "custom my reports" - I don't mean simply setting a date or time.


Take a look at our Exporter tool. Exporter can automate the process of parsing the CDR files for you and put the data in a database. Once the data is in SQL / MySQL you can query the database without impacting 3CX.
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