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Solved Activity LOG- DIDs DINs

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Feb 6, 2018
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I am looking for a way to list the numbers that were dialed in by customers, in coming callers, so I can tell where the calls are generated from.(which ads). We are using ATT and COX SIP service, I only see the Caller ID, not the DIN used to place the call. Is there a way to get this info from 3CX logs?? Both ATT and COX do not provide this information...
Well this information is in the logs, but not in a way that you can easily and automatically manipulate it. Getting the CDR from the PBX might help. The trunk number is logged in CDR so you can match the DID to the trunk number. In case of multiple DIDs per trunk, you can append the name of the inbound rule to the caller id(MMC>>Contacts>>Options>>Add Group, Queue or DID/DDI Names to Caller ID) and this will be shown in CDRs as well.
For more info on CDR check this guide https://www.3cx.com/docs/cdr-call-data-records/
If you want to automate parsing the 3CX CDR files into a database for easy querying, we have released a new version of our Exporter tool that has this feature built in. Once the data is in SQL, it would be fairly simple to automate scheduled reports (or ad-hoc reports) to get the information you need.
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Thanks Marios, working on your suggestion now..
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