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How much does it 3CX save?

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Aug 6, 2014
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Help me with my maths here, I am trying to pitch a migration to my boss.

We have 5 outside sales reps that share a 10,000 minute plan and a 10GB.

I figure at least 80% of that can be done using 3CX on their cell phones.

Those 8,000 minutes can be translated into about 5GB of data, and I am going to estimate that at least 50% of that can be offloaded to available wifi rather than Cellular Data.

Any calls to and from their desks (and then to their cell phones) from customers will use SIP minutes and data, so that 8,000 minutes saved from the cell bill needs to be accounted for in the SIP package I go with, right?
Honestly i would not look at the App as a replacement to using normal cellphone minutes.
Few reasons here.
1) Data on cellphones fluctuates so much that if you are say driving when a cellphone jumps from tower to tower you run a good chance to drop the call. Or if you are in a area with poor data coverage the call will be horrible. Data on a cellphone runs on a different frequency band then voice. If you have been keeping up on cellphone technology cellphone carriers are just starting to look at VoLTE "Voice over LTE". If cellphone carriers are just starting to look at implementing such a technology that should be a red flag.

2) If you are using the app on a iPhone. Apples rules are ungodly strict on apps and weather they can stay active in the background or not to save battery. So that being said with the 3CX app on a iphone, if you do not have the app open when the call is coming in the phone will actually deliver a announcement telling you you have a call. It will not ring... You will then have to click the announcement which opens the app, the app has to connect to 3CX, and then you can hopefully catch the call.

Just two items that are major shortfalls. This is not specific to 3CX it would be the same with any other system out there.
Because of this during sales demos i rarely talk about the app just because it is limited on cell service. Wifi is a different story.
Thanks for the good info.
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