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Request: Complete list of EventID Description SOLVED

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Apr 2, 2012
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I been looking through the manual and google online for list of event ID description for 3CX but no luck. In the manual show some event ID but not all. If any one has the complete list or know where to find it, I am really appreicate, thanks and have a nice day :)
Re: Request: Complete list of EventID Description

I got respond back from 3CX support about EventID Description

102 - One of the queues has initiated a callback
2013 - The disk is at or near capacity (Windows Server OS Only)
4099 - An emergency number was dialed
4100 - The status of a trunk has changed
4101 - The registration status of an extension has changed
8193 - A call request was received in excess of the License Key limit of simultaneous calls
12289 - An outbound call request over a trunk failed because over the maximum number of calls available through that trunk
12290 - An IP Address has been blacklisted
12292 - A request was rejected/blocked by the Anti-Hacking module - security breach detected
12293 - DNS resolution failed or cannot reach remote VoIP Provider
12294 - Destination responded with an error code (eg. service unavailable, user not found, insufficient credit, account disabled) - contact trunk provider
12295 - STUN resolution has failed, timed out, or no backup STUN servers could resolve
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