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V14 changes

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It seems that the CDR output has gone backwards from v12.5 and the promised web service API has been forgotten about/abandoned. I can only assume that this has been a conscious decision by 3CX to force people to use their reports. If this is the case it would be good if we could be informed of the change and the reason.

As it stands my fairly basic reporting requirements cannot be handled by 3CX and i also cannot use a third party program because of the crippled CDR.

I will take a look at your thread.

Hi Nick,

I notice a major change with v14 SP1 regarding how Patton FXO gateways are configured. For example on a Patton SN4114 gateway which prior to SP1 would configure 4 ports (0, 1, 2, 3 - one for each analog line). This would allow me for example to route port 3 to receive incoming fax because the fax line was connected to port 3. However, with the new configuration, there is only one port which is like it is with a T1 gateway. The difference is that the T1 gateway uses DIDs so you can tell which line/number is being called. With the new config on a FXO gateway, I'm not able to tell which port the call has come in on especially when the analog line has no called/cllaer id information. I tried using 0, 1, 2, 3 as the DID numbers to indicate the port but I'm still having no luck.

In my case right now, I have a client with a private analog line connected to port 3 and I am trying to determine how to route this port to their extension and not the main office DR.


We are Facing the same issue exactly , routing calls to specific extension , did you find any workaround for this issue ?
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